Our Management
The management committee is elected by TDA UK members, and act as Trustees of TDA UK. The Trustees have an overall responsibility for governance and management of the charity, and undergo constant training and development to ensure that trustees have adequate skills to manage the organisation effectively and representative of the communities they serve. TDA UK trustees work to making a difference to alleviate poverty and improve the education and health system in Tigray, Ethiopia. The Trustees run TDA-UK with the assistance of volunteers.
Most trustees are already familiar with the work of TDA UK. After each Management Committee election, each member is given an induction pack consisting of the organisation’s constitution, latest audited accounts, annual report, business plan, volunteering, equal opportunities, recruitment, health and safety, training and development, complaint, conflict of interest declaration, confidentiality, disciplinary, grievance policies and procedures.
The Trustees carries out risk assessments regularly to which the charity may be exposed. If you require any further information regarding the trustees please email us at info@tda-uk.org